Wednesday, April 16, 2008

a prayer ...

Lord, we struggle to pray for ourselves at times. Our words and prayers come out with no meaning. But we want to trust in you as you intercede on our behalf as our great high Priest who knows our burdens and brings them to our Father.

Lord, I pray for those of us who are hurting in some way or other. I pray that you will bring us comfort and peace. We may not understand why certain things happen but we want to trust you in your love. Give us strength to hope in you always.

Lord, I pray for those who need wisdom in our life. I ask humbly of you O lord to grant us wisdom that is enough to guide us and not to make our heads too big. Help us to always rely on you in our weaknesses because only when we are weak then you are strong.

Lord, I pray for those of us at work. That you will grant us patience. May everything we do at work be a good testimony for you. May the lives that we meet each day be opportunities for us to be a good testimony for you. May we be able to point those who are lost to you.

I pray for those of us who are married that you will watch over all of us. May you help us to love our spouses more. May you grant to us wisdom and patience in our marriages. For those of us who will be having kids soon, I ask of you o Lord to grant to us wisdom to raise them as godly parents in the way of the Lord. For those of us who have desires to have kids, may you answer our heart's desire.

For those of us who are attached, may you help us to build our relationships upon your love. Grant to us wisdom to lead one another closer to you. Grant to us the discipline to respect one another as well and not to fall into temptations.

For those who are single, may you continue to grant us patience to wait upon you as you reveal your ways for us. In your own divine ways, may you bring the person you have prepared into our lives.

For those of us struggling with temptations, grant to us strength to hold on to you and not to yield to temptations. Lord, we acknowledge that we are sinners and our hearts are sinful. So Lord, have mercy and grace upon us and let us not be tempted beyond what we can endure.

I pray for those of us who are sick or in physical pain. May you bring healing and comfort to our ailing bodies. May you in your mercy grant us rest when we need rest.

I pray O Lord, that you will draw us closer to you each day. Remind us each day to come away to spend time with you. Remind us each day to 'come and have breakfast' with you as we feed upon your word and promises. Help us to apply what we learn as we struggle in this long journey in life.

O Lord Jesus, you who are above us, below us, around us and within us - be our guide as we live our lives for you by the Holy Spirit you have given us. May your name be glorified always.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

We pray these prayers through your Mighty name, the one name who can save us from our sins - Jesus.


1 comment:

tweakmax said...

Thanks for the prayer =)