It was reported in today's straits times that a couple who distributed publications for evangelistic purposes was charged under the Sedition Act. The publications were said to portray islam in a negative light.
Couple charged under Sedition Act
By Elena Chong, Court Correspondent
A COUPLE were charged on Tuesday with distributing a seditious publication to two others.
Ong Kian Cheong, 49, and Dorothy Chan Hien Leng, 44, are alleged to have distributed The Little Bride, an evangelistic material, to Sembawang resident Irwan Ariffin last Oct 19.
They are also said to have distributed the same publication to one Madam Farharti Ahmad at her home in Woodlands on March 6 last year .
It is not clear why they face the Sedition Act and the Undesirable Publication Act when the publication is the same.
Ong, who works in a telecommunications company, and his wife, a bank employee, were represented by Mr Selva K. Naidu.
The police prosecutor sought an adjournment of the case pending a Health Sciences Authority on handwriting specimen.
The couple were freed on $10,000 bail each. Their passports were impounded.
The case will be mentioned on April 29.
Under the Sedition Act, the maximum penalty is a $5,000 fine and/or a jail term of up to three years.
The maximum penalty under the Undesirable Publication Act is a fine of up to $5,000 and/or up to 12 months.
It was not mentioned whether the couple were Christians or not, but I believe the publication is a "Chick" tract banned in Singapore.
What we can learn from this lesson: must be sensitive to others when evangelising. I remembered when I was in secondary school, I used to hate my Christian friends who say I will go to hell and the gods i believed in will all go to hell. Wasn't a nice experience, so now and then I remind myself that I should be sensitive to others when I "preach".
Also in today's straits times: was heart-brokened to see an obituary of a six-week old baby. Parents were Christian and they thanked their church members for their help and for God's grace and mercy on them. Hope God will comfort them and help them overcome their grief in their mourning. Amen.
Was just talking about the topic of how to share the truth in love last night with my wife. A few things...
First, I think the truth that we hold on to and proclaim is offensive. cf. sinners in the hands of an angry God. I think our concern should always be for the truth of the Gospel, and yes it would offend. But hopefully, Man will realise how much we have offended God...
Second, a bible teacher suggested that "love is the intelligent willingness to do what is best for the other person". If that is so, that love isn't always nice, it can even hurt.
Third, but all that doesn't mean that we Christians are licensed to behave anywho we want. We ought to conduct ourselves by the Word of God that we humbly and boldly seek to tell, preach and proclaim.
May God be gracious and merciful to us this day.
Just want to share:
When Saint Francis of Assisi went around to meet people, his disciple was puzzled why he never preach the gospel. His answer was:"I already did."
Think he preferred to let his actions do the work.
Practising what is preached. The highest calling? :)
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