However, many times, we forget about this. Recently, Singaporeans have been snapping up rice from the supermarket for fear of rice shortage. When I had dinner with mum today, she said everywhere is the same, that people are buying up all the rice at the supermarket.
Of course, we slurped up all the rice on our plates just now. A grain of rice would be more expensive than gold soon. Even the canteen auntie where I worked had increased her price by 20 cents. OUCH! If Singaporeans, who are considered better-off, are beginning to feel the pinch, how about those staying in poorer countries?
No doubt, the recent price hikes in almost everything have caused many worries for Singaporeans. When I was living with my parents, I do not need to worry about paying utility bills, conservancy fees etc. Now, I have to be careful not to leave the TV/Lights/Fans on when I leave the room. I realise why my bro, who was paying the utilities bill at my parents' house, told us to use the aircon less.
Life have many worries, but as Christians, we know that God will see us through these worries. I am forever grateful to God for providing me with what I need. When I was getting married/getting a new house, God provided for me. He even surprised me with a lucky draw win when I had no money to buy furniture. When in certain months I am rather tight, some extra income would just come at the right time. God is indeed faithful.
I want to stress that I am blessed, but not to the extend of super-rich, like certain emergent church pastors claim Christians should be. I am a wretched man, whom without the grace of God, would be nothing and can do nothing.
In these four years as a Christian, God has stood by my side. No doubt, my life has it ups and downs. But God has seen me through. My Christian-walk also have its ups and downs, but I have faith that God will preserve me till the end, as what he has promised.
Let us be thankful for God's providence, and also be able to stand firm in times of adversities. Let us pray for the people in other countries who are affected more than us by the recent price hikes.
Really appreciate this thoughtful reflection.
Thanks......hope u can share some of your reflection here too :)
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