the P4 boy whom I have been hounding for his homework has a very complicated background. Mother is away working in the states (divorced). Nationality of the boy is Malaysian. Singapore has an "uncle" guardian who help him to secure a place to study, however he doesn't stay with the guardian. Instead, he stayed with another auntie (whom he called jiu4 mu3). If got homework tell the "uncle" guardian no use, must contact the auntie. "Uncle" not willing to reveal much about their background also.
This boy's file has gone missing, and inside are 11 lessons of sentence construction and five pieces of essays. He never pass up work on time. Have asked him to stay back to do his homework. Initially he was willing to stay back, now he just dun stay back to do his homework. I am unwilling to take away his other lessons just to do his homework, and he need to eat during his recess, but it seems that he is now a habitual offender for not passing up work.
The uncle expected the teachers at the school to coordinate together to know his movement. The boy already stayed back at the school after school program. Will be going to the after school program there to hound him for his sch work, as SA1 is coming. This boy seems able to pass, but he only have 50 percent pass in his CA1, and that made me worried. Hope he won't fail this time.
He is starting to be open defiant as he is beginning to make frustrated/discourteous remarks when I chase him for homework. I told him one day when I stop talking to him, means I will not care whether he pass up his work on time anymore. I can be a real nagger at times. Even my wife mic cannot tahan me :p. Another boy in the same class which I have nagged turned his back on me when he saw me approaching the bus stop at the school.
Dunno how it will turn out. Need prayers from all of you. He is an untidy boy who has green color mucus flowing out from his nose when he speaks to u. Hair super untidy too (more untidy than mine, even though now I dun have much hair :p).
To all future parents: we are having lots of kids like this boy in the school now. Think it is every parents' responsibility to bring up their kids well. Every decision we make will affect at least 3 generations of pple. This boy is not alone in the class. I have a few others like him just in the same class. My other classes also have similiar characters.
Pray that all of us will make our decisions well and dun make the next generation suffer.
just a thought. If we were to ask ourselves how would Jesus treat this boy knowing his background. Jesus knows all our background. And now that you know, how can you be christlike and live out a life to point others like him to Christ?
as someone who has gone through similar circumstances, maybe I can share some help we can render?
Kids like that need alot of love and patience and understanding. How about rewarding him if he do his homework while you guide him after school? Instead of nagging, can you encourage him with kind words instead of 'scolding' and talking down?
In short, if we play 'hard' and you don't get anywhere with him, how about playing 'soft' to see if he responds?
each time he has green mucus oozing out, can u give him those tissue papers from
coffee bean and Macs and KFC that you often collect? It will be a good opportunity for you to become a parent since you might be one in the near future?
Find something about him that you can encourage each day for a start.
my 2 cents but then again i am not a teacher ... you are ...
Am thankful to God that there are Christian teachers making an impact to these young lives made in God's image. Praying God will sustain and enable you.
Will take the advice!
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