A CHRISTIAN couple who allegedly distributed seditious publications to three Muslims went on trial on Thursday.
Ong Kian Cheong, 49, a technical officer with SingTel, and his wife, Dorothy Chan Hien Leng, 45, an associate director with Swiss bank UBS, are facing four charges each.
They are accused of distributing a comic strip booklet titled The Little Bride to Mr Irwan Ariffin, 32, at Sembawang Drive on Oct 19 last year.
The booklet is said 'to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between Christians and Muslims in Singapore' according to the charge.
They allegedly distributed the same objectionable booklet to Ms Farharti Ahmad at Woodlands Drive 72 on March 6 last year, which the charge says, could 'cause feelings of enmity, hatred, ill-will or hostility between the two religious groups'.
The couple are said to have distributed another seditious publication, Who is Allah, to Mr Isa Raffee at Segar Road in the first week of last December.
The last charge accuses them of having a total of 439 copies of 11 tracts at their Maplewoods Condominium in Bukit Timah Road on Jan 30.
Mr Irwan, a staff sergeant with the Traffic Police, told the court that he opened his letter box on Oct 19 - the first day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri - and found the booklet.
After reading it, he felt angry and very offended.
He said the publication was 'somewhat condemning' of his religion.
There were also other offensive references to Prophet Mohammed.
At the start of cross-examination, the couple's lawyer, Mr Selva K. Naidu, offered his clients' apologies for the hurt caused to his feelings and asked if he would accept their apology.
Mr Irwan, who had made a police report that day (Oct 19), said the damage had been done.
'I do not know how many such publications that have been distributed throughout Singapore, and if any apology were to be addressed, it should not be made to me alone,' he said. The trial continues.