Sometimes I wonder if God was really making his presence felt both in my life and in the life of the students. Just as a friend shared with me about an eerie dream she had a few days ago, I had my 'eerie' experience this morning.
I was going to share on friendships and relationships and how we are all made to be relational beings. So I thought a good example would be the character in Cast Away played by Tom Hanks. I was trying to explain the point that all of us are relational and we need to relate and there is something in built in us that yearns for relationships. In the movie, Tom found a volleyball and it became his greatest pal on the deserted island. Wilson, his new friend became someone to bounce ideas with, to sleep with, to vent his anger on, etc ...
Where was I? Oh ... I brought a volleyball for maximum effect and introduced him as 'Wilson' to all the students and I lifted 'Wilson' for all to see. And I said, 'Ok Wilson, say hello to everyone!" And there at that preceise moment, a loud thunder roared through the skies ... I was stunned for that split second and then the students roared with laughter at the moment. That moment of humour from God helped me and the students to connect and the rest of the devotion went on very well ... :)
If you are wondering what I shared this morning, here it is ...
Be Blessed in Friendships – God blesses us with friends
In the movie Cast Away, the character played by actor Tom Hanks found himself on a deserted island. He was the only survivor of a plane crash. Some days later, he found a volleyball that was washed ashore. Days turn into weeks and as loneliness got to him, Wilson the volleyball eventually became a friend to Tom Hanks. Wherever Tom went, Wilson the volleyball was his constant companion. He talked frequently to Wilson and even consulted Wilson on certain decisions to be made. One day, Tom decided to build a raft to try to escape from the island together with Wilson. As they travelled in the open sea, his friend Wilson the volleyball fell out of the raft and started drifting away. Tom woke up to see Wilson floating away and immediately jumps into the sea to rescue his friend. This is what happened -
For Tom, Wilson was his closest friend and companion on that island. And as Wilson floated out to sea, Tom felt sorry that he could not save his friend. We may laugh at the emotional scene we just saw. Wilson is after all just a volleyball! Why was Tom feeling so emotional about the loss of a volleyball?
In reality, all of us are actually relational people who have a deep desire in us to want to have friendship and companionship. The Bible teaches us that God made us to be people with a strong desire for relationships because He himself is a relational God who cares and love His people.
Bible Verse: John 15:12-13
12My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
We are blessed with many kinds of relationships. We have our families. We have our friends. Imagine living in a world where we don’t have relationships at all where we don’t have family ties or friendships? Look around you this morning and you will see your friends and classmates. Friends can be special people who will share your happiness and your pain. They’re the people who laugh with you, listen to you when you need to talk, encourage you, and support you through tough times.
God knows that all of us need that kind of support in friendships and relationships. And so we were made to be able to relate with others. Besides being blessed by friends around us, we ought to also see ourselves being a blessing to others too!
Let me end this devotion by sharing something that might perhaps bring a smile to your face as you begin the day in school.
Three strangers from different countries, Ah Seng, Lee and Robert, were stranded on a desert island after their boat sank. Days turn into weeks and weeks into months and still there was no sign of any help and since there were only three of them on the island, they became good friends.
One day, Ah Seng was walking along the beach when he finds an old lamp. He rubs it and out comes a genie.
“Thank you, thank you,” says the grateful genie.
“I will grant you a wish – ask anything you want.”
Ah Seng, being unselfish, asked the genie, “Could my friends have a wish too?”
“Sure! the genie answered.” “Each of you can have a wish.”
“Whoa! Steady man! Thanks genie!” And with great excitement, Ah Seng rushes off to tell his two other friends the good news and asked them to make a wish each.
Robert thought about his home in New Zealand with its beautiful mountains and endless green pastures. “How I wish I am back in New Zealand!” Poof! He was gone.
Ah Seng’s other friend, Lee, thought about his family in Taipei, and how much he missed his wife and children. “How I wish I am back home with my family.” Poof! He was gone.
Ah Seng looked around and realized he was the only one left on the island. “Sigh! How I miss my friends. I wish they are here with me.”
I will leave what happened next to your imagination. Let’s pray.
Dear Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for giving us family and friends in our lives. We thank you for you have made us relational people who can be friends with others around us. We thank you because you showed us what it means to love others. We pray that you will continue to help us to be a blessing to our friends and families.
As we continue the day, we ask for your blessings of wisdom and discipline to be with us.
In your name I pray, Amen.